The Family Plushies
Orignal designs by Rotten Boi
"Welcome to the family. Meet Aussie. Aussie is overstimulated dby audio. When there's too much noise or specific sounds (like the clang of dishes being put away) he starts to fidget. Ears on alert, a chill running through his body from head to toe and strung out fingers. Aussie manages the sensory overload by leaving the room or using his headphones. When overstimulated Aussie may be a bit short at times repying with blund answers or asking if we can talk at another time. His family tries to be attentive to Aussie's triggers to reduce his discomfort. Aussie also loves pastel colors and lofi music.
Meet Dazie. Dazie can often be found disassociating. They find it difficult to focus on their external environment when their thoughts are overpowering. And by that I mean thinking about how cute the last cat she saw was or what would make a good band name. Their family usually gets her back by asking "where are you right now?". She'll then shake her head and refocus on the conversation...for now.
Meet A-Void (goes by AV (A-VEE)). Unlike her sibling Syd, AV avoids eye contact whenever possible. Especially with people she's not too comfortable with. Shed rather not be the center of attention but that doesn't mean she doesn't want to be included. Her favorite color is black because it makes every other color seem all the brighter. AV has long arms what she normally keeps crossed and to herself but they come into action once around her new family giving the warmest hugs.
Meet Syd. Syd was voted most polite for always maintaining eye contact with their elders and seeming most attentive. A great listener. In reality Syd is hiding the fact that they have no clue what is going on. Growing up they were told to be so shy because they always looked away. And so they've learned to stare. Find something to look at. A mole, their nose, some interesting feature. Why can't we look into both eyes at once, which one do we choose, does darting back and forth seem too strange? Focusing so much on what they should be doing they've lost the ability to stay present in conversation. Best to keep up appearances. Another world behind their eye. Syd is learning you break contact again. The contract to look "normal"."